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Top 100 Healthiest Counties in America 2022: Where Does America’s Healthiest People Live?

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 Dwellics, the authority in U.S. city data and personalized advice on where to move, has unveiled its 2022 list of the Top 100: Healthiest Counties in America.

Dwellics analyzed data on more than 3,000 U.S. counties to compile a list of the Top 100 Healthiest Counties in America. Cancer incidence and mortality, air quality, water quality, substance abuse, and life expectancy are the ranking factors.

 While Utah achieves the highest marks for the number of counties on the list – twenty-two overall and four of the top five spots – Hawaii deserves mention as well. A state with only five counties, four of them attain mention among the healthiest in the country. The five healthiest counties in the U.S., as determined by Dwellics:

  • Utah County, Utah (#1)
  • Sanpete County, Utah (#2)
  • San Juan County, Utah (#3)
  • Cache County, Utah (#4)
  • Whitman County, Washington (#5)

A recent study by Upwork, the world’s largest work marketplace, reveals that as many as 23 million Americans are planning to move in 2022; the growing popularity of remote work has allowed many of those planning a move to put living in a healthy area on their list of considerations. Correspondingly, the top counties on the list have all experienced population growth in recent years, reflecting Americans’ desire to live in a healthy area and the capacity of remote work to allow such moves.

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