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Jamaica – One Tablet Per Child, a PACE Canada program

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“We are excited to launch the “One Tablet per Child” campaign to purchase at least 10 tablets for each of the 250 kindergarten schools supported across the island. These 5-6 year old students need the ability to continue their learning and lessons at home until schools are again open for operations.  We know these tablets will also be beneficial for their parents learning and assistance with assignments.”

“Our initial contact with the Jamaica Ministry of Education is that the government approved devices are estimated at  $200 to $250 each. PACE has identified a more cost effective device and passed on the information to the Early Childhood Commission, and the feedback was very positive:

  • The ECC looked at the video and we love the tablet! We particularly love the fact that it’s not configurable by others, and no other applications can be installed. Also, making the content available offline will be great for most of our children who are without internet access.  We thank you so much! 

The device is the onetab which has been developed by the onebillion foundation. It is a robust, dedicated tablet designed to deliver reading, writing and numeracy in the child’s own language – anywhereonetab comes in a durable protective case with an optional solar charger. It boots straight into onecourse, in the correct language.

Our campaign target is $320,000 so that we can purchase at least 2,500 tablets. A fully configured device costs about $125 CA. Download the onetab Handbook

PACE promotes early childhood education with a special focus on children of pre-school age in situations of racial, cultural or economic disadvantage.

In the rural mountains of Jamaica, PACE found early on that children come to schools without electricity, without telecommunications and without even the colored felt pens North American children take for granted.  How will they take their place in an increasingly borderless and electronic world?  How will they be equipped to ensure their economic and cultural future?  This has now been made more difficult by the covid-19 pandemic which has closed schools and kids need to learn at home.

This campaign is intended to seek financial support for PACE’s continued effort to ensure many of these children have access to technology in their home schooling which is necessary to prepare them for the future and today’s global electronic world.

P.A.C.E. is seeking funding to purchase at least 10 tablets for each of the 250 kindergarten schools supported across the island.  This will allow each of the 5-6 year old students to use the device at home and have access to their lessons and learning software.

In addition to making a financial contribution, you can help by telling your family, friends and colleagues about this special appeal:

  • Send them an email with a link to this page “www.pacecanada.org/one-tablet”
  • Download the image on this page and include it with the email
  • Also post the image on your social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
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